Greetings and sorry for the newbie nature of this question.

I have a project I have been putting off and would like to tackle it
this week.  I have one remaining Mandrake box that does Internet 
Connection Sharing to my home LAN.  This box is not that reliable, but 
when it works it does the following:  DHCP, connects via dialup to my ISP, 
share's the PPP connection to the rest of the lan and act's as a firewall
and also run's caching DNS so my internal machines use it for DNS.  

Why Mandrake?  They have this little one click wizard you select and it 
set's it up.  I now want to tackle this on Red Hat.  But,  my work on 
Red Hat at my office has not taken me down this path yet.  So, I am 
looking for an all purpose guide in setting something like this up.
Ip chains or Ip tables?  DHCP, caching DNS, etc.  Mandrake is using 

Any thought starters?  Thank you.


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