I agree, you can't pay 7.99$ fro the unofficial cd's and expect RH
to provide any services.  They already provided the service of
putting out the distribution ...

However, offering services for a fee for those that did not buy
the official cd's should bring some more revenues.  It is up to RH
to decide what is the proper price for those services.  Anyway
they won't prevent the redistribution of their ftp version Linux.
Thus might might as well grab the opportunity for more revenues.  

It would also be sensible to think that the fee for these services
might be more "expensive" in the end than buying the official
version of RH.  Many could be buying RH to encourage RH to produce
a quality version of Linux.  Thus many buying official version of
RH won't be using the 'technical services' of RH. However, those
that bought their RH cd's from an unofficial distributor will only
take service when they encounter a problem ...



Dave Ihnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 01:06:32PM -0500, rpjday wrote:
> >   while it may drive red hat nuts to get support calls from
> > consumers who got their red hat elsewhere, i think they just have
> > to suck it up and put up with it.  ...  that's just a nuisance red
> > hat is going to have to accept.
> I said it before, and say it again:  They shouldn't consider it a
> nuisance.  They should turn it into a profit center.  Don't shoo the
> caller away; offer them a support license for some sensible price,
> and then provide decent support.
> Cheers,

Dominic Mitchell

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