On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 01:10:16AM -0600, Julian Opificius wrote:
> >There is only one worth having:
> >
> >DNS and BIND, 4th Edition by Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu published by
> >O'Reilly.

I'll second this.  THE reference to own.

> Well my understanding is that up till recently they've been completely 
> separate.

Still are.

> It seems there's some work going on putting them together. Does anyone know 
> about that?

I don't know of any work to make the same daemon provide both services--
and I think that would be a bad idea--but there IS DynDNS.  Dynamic DNS,
defined in RFC 3007*, provides a mechanism for a DNS server to accept
updates automatically.  There are several services on the 'Net that will
provide dynamic DNS, some free, some for a fee.  www.dyndns.org is one I
remember just because it's easy to do so, but I haven't used any of them,
so I can't recommend one over another.

*RFC: Request for Comment.  The underpinning that defines most of
      what makes up the Internet, these documents are the standards
      that determine features, interactions, and behavior of protocols,
      services, etc.  They're interesting to read, albeit usually
      somewhat dry, and can give you insight into the intentions of
      the designers and reasons decisions were made to do things in the
      way they are done.  Probably the authoritative site to peruse is
      www.rfc-editor.org. (Hmm...  I actually had two additional sites,
      but they're not responding...the 'Net is cruel.)

        Dave Ihnat

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