On Fri, 2002-01-04 at 11:40, Julian Opificius wrote:
> Dave,
> I want to do exactly as you described below - use my DNS server for local 
> static resolution, and as a cache for real world addresses.
> What I need to do now is find out how to build my zone files to support the 
> local network.

Short answer: forwarders option in dns.

Here is how I set up our office network.


External website and email through verio web hosting services.  Domian
name elevating.com

Internal domain for machines on private ip space lan behind masquerading
firewall.  domainname tulsa.elevating.com.  

hetrogenous network of 5 windows machines of various flavors and a total
of 40+ linux boxes

I wanted to be able to resolve internal machine names and external "real
" names so I did the following.

I installed bind on one of our servers. redhat of course. installed
webmin.  Acually, at the time it was linuxconf that initially set this
up but I manage it and all my servers with webmin primarily. 

created a zone and named the domain tulsa.elevating.com and added all
the internal machines that needed access to services that require dns to
the zone.  Made sure that the update reverse mapping too was checked.

added forwarders to our isp's (SBC) dns servers. 

added the ipaddress of the new dns server to my dhcpd.conf file so that
all the machines on the lan would get the new server as its name
resolution host. 

here is what happens:

A machine needs resolution to an internal name, and sends a request to
my dns.  it finds it in its local zone file and returns it.

Now machine needs to resolve an external network address say,
www.prairienet.com it asks the dns server who looks and says "hey, I
dont have this domain under my control, I need to ask my forwarder about
it"  It then sends a request to SBC's dns server who returns
www.prairienet.com's ip address.  My dns server then sends it to the
original requesting machine and adds it to it's cache in case someone
else asks for it any time soon.  I forget how often it purges its
cache.  The original machine then allows the user to browse to
prairienet and search the redhat hat archives for answers to his
questions incae they have been asked before :) 


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