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ABrady wrote:

>> Dumb newbie question, but what do people use in place of linuxconf?
>> This isn't installed, by default, for my RH7.1 system.
>Commandline. Linuxconf is available in 7.1. But, it's still dangerous to
>some config files and permissions get changed sometimes. I thought it
>was over that in 7.1 and after. Then someone else stated problems they
>were having, and later it happened to me again.

Indeed.  The point we, the smartasses, were making is that Linuxconf
is a good idea that just happens to be a bad idea.  With all due
respect to its author, who undertook an incredibly ambitious task,
it's just too flaky in practice.  Further -- and though I freely admit
that this is a philosophical matter and not a technical one, I know
that many here share the sentiment -- tools like Linuxconf teach you
little or nothing about the system, and that's not helpful to you in
the long run.  

I hasten to add that one genuinely good use for front ends like that
is to watch what they do to the actual configuration files, and learn
from it. (Learning to configure fetchmail is a whole lot easier when
you see how fetchmailconf builds a .fetchmailrc, for instance.) I just
don't think Linuxconf is the best tool for that.

So may we counter your question with one of our own: with what 
configuration, specifically, would you like assistance?

- -d

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/0xCA4C11AD.pgp
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