At 1/17/2002 06:12 PM +0800, you wrote:
>Just for yrs info, I did tried on Sendmail with RH7.1, it work....
>The steps as below:
>- set in as below...

Please note these lines should be set in (not cf). Thanks to 
Gary for reminding all of us to disable the "unresolvable domains" thing.

>·        Setting in Outlook Express for testing
>·         Click Tools à Accounts à Mail à select account à Properties à 
>Servers à check My server requires authentication à Settings… à check Log 
>on using à enter Account name & password
>- then try to send thr your smtp, it will only prompted user id and 
>password for the first time if it is match...

In Eudora, each account or personality has an "Authentication allowed" 
checkbox (on by default, a much better choice) that does the same thing.

Let us know if it works, Moke.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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