On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Patrick Nelson wrote:

> I get an error that says "cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as
> 'root'"

 Try running the commit like "su $user -c 'cvs commit ...'"

> So I'm wondering what the problem is.  Is it that I can't be su to run cvs?
> The problem is that the files I'm creating come from the output of commands
> that are run as root user.  I'd rather not su the exit and then commit.  So
> I guess I'm asking what are the restrictions on a local repository?  I have
> read the frigging manual and can not find any mention of this whatsoever...

 Restrictions on doing things as root are usually there with good
reason, I'd try to figure a way of avoiding it.

 Can you not run the root stuff in one screen/terminal and the cvs
stuff in another?

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