Bill Crawford wrote:
Try running the commit like "su $user -c 'cvs commit ...'"
Restrictions on doing things as root are usually there with good reason, I'd
try to figure a way of avoiding it.
Can you not run the root stuff in one screen/terminal and the cvs stuff in
Nope that doesn't work.  The commits seem to work but then there is an error
of the nature of:

  cvs commit: Examining .
  Checking in il.txt;
  /usr/local/cvsroot/bon/il/il.txt,v <-- il.txt
  new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
  cvs commit: cannot open CVS/Entries.Log: Permission denied

Further commits give worse results:

  cvs commit: Examinig.
  cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for 'il.txt'
  cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first! 

OK so I added the checkout to the list thinking that maybe I need to be
checking it out as the same user...

 su pnelson -c 'cvs -d $cvslocal checkout bon/il'

That has errors too:

  cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory bon: No such file or

Make sense seeing I'm in a root permission dir...  Arg...

So me thinks that maybe a better description of what I'm doing might shed
some light on someone being able to help me with my solution.

I have a root run admin script that I want to use to track the changes to
documentation.  The program is meant to be run as a "su -" call I have many
scripts that utilize the root user (and only the root user) in this way and
this script incorporates many off these other scripts.  This "no root
commits" is idiotic to me, but I never get into those root flame wars.
However, I need to be able to commit as some damn user so that I can
implement this darn script.  Anyone have any other ideas?

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