Bret wrote -

> On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 13:21, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> > Call me a dinosaur but I really do not like software that "helps"
> > me by displaying things in different colours (that's not a typo -
> > I am a canuck dinosaur). I find it very difficult to read which 
> > tends to be counterproductive to the purpose of "helping").
> > 
> > I have been able to defeat ls by setting up an alias in .bashrc 
>> but  vim is driving me right batty. Is there anyway to turn off 
>> colours in vim? I have found thousands of references on how to setup 
>> colours and change them but nothing on how to turn them off.
>> :syn off

I searched and searched for just this incantation yesterday but couldn't
find it in the vim docs. Thanks, Bret. The "Christmas tree" default in
vim is giving me a damn headache.


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