I'm looking for a 'compile' solution not for HIDE the script contents.
Let me explain my situation ....

    I have some customers that are more than newbie in linux systems. One of
our systems runs on this customer machine and is started by a script ( the
one I'm trying to hide ). All the necessary parameters can be tweaked using
one conf file used by the script.

    The problem is that some customers are making modifications on the main
initialization script and, sometimes, getting the whole system to not work

    So I was thinking on 'compile' those base scripts ( or even rewrite them
in some compilable language if 'scramble' them in bash is not possible )
simply to restrict changes on it. All the needed parameters should be
altered in the conf file OR i must be contacted to make other changes.

    Its not to hide but to simply prevent unauthorized ( and even bad )
changes on it.

    Well, I hope you understand it now. I'm not trying to hide anything, i
just want to make my life easier :)

    Leonardo Rodrigues

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Messmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: compiling bash scripts

> On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 06:16, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
> >
> >     I have some bash scripts ( they are not very complicated, so bash is
> > enough ) and i'd like to deploy them on some customer machines. But it
> > be very nice if i could, somehow, 'compile' them so customers wouldnt be
> > able to see the source of the script.
> If the scripts are not complicated, what motivation do you have for
> hiding the source of the script?
> Consider:  Is the value of your script greater than the investment it
> will require to obscure it from people who would probably never bother
> to look anyway?

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