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On Sunday 23 June 2002 10:49 pm, Kamal Jain wrote:

> That's the thing.  I downloaded 2.4.18-3 (all 5 ISO images - SRPM's
> included, whatever those are) and burned them.  When I did the
> installation, I chose all the options (GNOME, KDE, development, and
> whatever the fourth checkbox was).  I don't think the sources got
> installed, as I had to install those -- or at least some part of them
> -- from the CD by following the instructions in the kernel how-to FAQ.

Did you download and install the kernel source to match the new kernel?
You can run 'up2date kernel-source' to get it, or download and install the 
kernel-source rpm manually.

> I think the only thing I haven't tried is to run the update agent while
> booted under the older, but now modified kernel.  The "make modules"
> and "make modules-install" got me around most of the boot time
> warnings/errors except for a couple that seem to have something to do
> with fonts or code pages or something.

Perhaps try rebuilding the kernel with the same options as the official 
kernel, and then add only the ntfs support you are looking for? Install 
the latest kernel-source rpm, then:

cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-5/

make mrproper

cp configs/kernel-2.4.18-{$YOUR_ARCH}.config  .config

make (config, menuconfig, xconfig) #Select one, your choice.
(enable ntfs support, leave everything else at the default)

make dep && make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install

cp -a /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-5/arch/i386/boot/bzImage\  

/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install 2.4.18-5custom

The above should compile the new kernel and modules, install everything, 
add the new kernel to the grub menu, create the initrd.img file, etc.....

The new kernel should match the stock Red hat kernel, with the addition of 
the added ntfs support. Note that there have been various examples of 
ntfs access (even read only) damaging ntfs filesystems. This is one 
reason given for not shipping the kernel with ntfs support built in.

Hope that helps,
- -- 
- -Michael

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- --
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