** Reply to message from "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 24 Jun 2002 
17:30:41 -0600

> Okay, I no longer know what else to do.  I have two machines running RH7.3,
> and several others running versions between 7.0 and 7.2.  None of them are
> having problems except for the two 7.3 ones.
>     Whenever I want to make an outbound connection, say through lynx,
> ncftp/ftp, it just sits there for a long time and eventually I get a message
> back telling me it couldn't establish a connection.  Now, before you start
> telling me to check my iptables settings, let me point this out:  One of the
> machines has _nothing_ in terms of any firewall scripts, or iptables.  It's
> basically wide open.  Except only port 22 has something listening to it, all
> other services are shut off.  The other machine has an iptables setup on it
> which is basically:
> ----------
> # iptables -L
> Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
> target     prot opt source      destination
> ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere    anywhere
> ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere    anywhere     state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
> REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere     tcp option=!2 \
>                                                  reject-with tcp-reset
> ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere     tcp dpt:ftp
> ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere    anywhere     udp dpt:ftp
> ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere     tcp dpt:ssh
> ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere    anywhere     udp dpt:ssh
> ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere     tcp dpt:http
> ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere    anywhere     udp dpt:http
> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
> target     prot opt source               destination
> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target     prot opt source               destination
> ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
> ----------
>     My resolvers are working fine.  In fact I can run dig/host/nslookup and get
> instant feedback from my DNS servers.  Yet, I can't, for the life of me, figure
> out why lynx/ncftp/ftp and others just time out and not do anything...on BOTH
> machines.
>     This is a (custom) server setup, so don't ask me to run mozilla or any
> other GUI program because they're just not installed.

Couple things to check:

1) routing tables

2) /etc/hosts.deny & allow


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