
I have had a bunch of old computer equipment sitting in the
garage. Yesterday, after much research, I found an environmentally
conscious recycling firm--Advanced Recovery
( would take the equipment and brought it
down there.  I was surprised to see how much computer equipment was
there. (I have no idea of condition, cause its not my business) Apparently
many corporations piled their old equipment up on skids and shipped it

I don't know if this is hepful or not.  It appears that the raw materials
are certainly there for the project.  Problems that I forsee...Sorting out
all of the to dispose of the non-working(or too
obsolete) stuff...where to warehouse it all(yes, you will get lots & lots
of old stuff. It takes up a lot of space.  You can't be choosy)

Jon, if you want to, email me directly off of the list.


On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, KnowHow Tech Support wrote:

> I have money, lots of it (not to sound conceded) and I want to give 
> something back to the kids.  I can't think of anything better than this.
> Jon
> > I'd be interested in hearing more ideas too.  
> > 
> > My wife and I have been talking about this ourselves.  Not going as far 
> > as actually filing for (501), at least not in the immediate foreseeable 
> > future.  But who knows what will happen.  
> > 
> > She used to work at a community center for a year or so and we had 
> > talked about giving  the old computers I managed to snag to the 
> > community centers around town to give to the kids.  Instead of me 
> > stockpiling the computers in my basement  I should install Linux and 
> > give them the the community centers.  Teach the kids a basics computer 
> > skills class or something.
> >  
> > 

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