This is a very odd message for Red Hat 7.3, since ext3 (the filesystem)
doesn't do filesystem checks like ext2 did (the previous filesystem).

When you get to that point, put in your root password.  Then type in

cat /etc/fstab

And post the results to this list.  In that listing, there should be a
line where the second column has a single slash.  Look at the first column
on that line - that is the device that the filesystem is on.  It should be
/dev/somethingorother.  For example, on mine, it's /dev/hda3.  So run the
following command

fsck -y /dev/hda3

replacing /dev/hda3 with whatever device is listed for you.  Then, type in


to go back to the bootup process.  If any other filesystem besides
/ reports errors, rerun the above instructions for that filesystem.

Anyway, please also reply to me personally at [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I
don't always have time to read the list.


On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Chris wrote:

> I am new to Linux, previous to this I have always used Mircosoft Windows OS.
> I have installed RedHat Linux ver. 7.3 with the kernal ver. 52.4.18-5 on an older 
>computer I have.  Its a 233MMX with 65mb of ram.
> The install went well, and I had no errors reported.  The first I reboot the system 
>I recieve an error.
> / contains a file system with errors, check forced.
> Error reading block 1739350 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short 
>     (ie., without -a or -p options)
>                   [FAILED]
> *** An error occurred during the file system check.
> *** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot
> *** when you leave the shell
> Give root password for maintenance
> (or type Control-D for normal startup): _
> I have reinstalled Linux three times on this system becuase I get the exact same 
>error when I reboot for the first time.  I am using the correct shutdown procedure.
> I have no knowledge of how the Linux OS and kernal work, so I am at a total loss.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chris

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