On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 07:58:23PM +0000 or thereabouts, Susan Murray wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 21:16, Martin Mewes wrote:
> > So best attempt may would be to have something like "MS-Linux" to fit 
> > in both worlds. Linux for the admins, and "MS" for the Users who only 
> > want to Click'n-Rush.
> > 
> Have any of you guys seen Lindows?  It is a "MS-Linux" with a
> Click'n-Rush (called Click'n Run).  The user is presented with a KDE
> desktop with Windows-like menus and icons for internet access, email,
> etc.  The current release includes a (nonfunctional) network

There is one other *big* factor.  Lindows only runs as ROOT !  There is
no other way.

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