I finally wiped Windows off of my Thinkpad and installed RH 8.0. Most
things went well (I'm mailing from it now), but I'm having trouble
getting my IO Data USB hard drive mounted. I have been doing this with
no trouble on my Dell desktop using the below command in FSTAB

   /dev/sda5   /mnt/win_h             vfat      noauto,owner 0 0

and then invoking 

    mount -o uid=root,gid=root /mnt/win_h

I have /mnt/win_h created with the right permissions, but when I try
to do this, I get

   [root@localhost chuck]# mount -o uid=root,gid=root /mnt/win_h
   mount: /dev/sda5 is not a valid block device

I tried changing sda5 to sda1 (guessing, because I can't get the right
label thus far in RH Hardware Browser). It doesn't show up under
"Hard Drives" but it does show up under "system devices."

Does anyone have an idea what I am missing here?


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