On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 03:49:57PM -0500, John Duke wrote:

> I am running RH 7.2. I changed monitors from a Viewsonic 17" monitor to 
> a Viewsonic 15" monitor. The system goes through the boot process, but 
> when the text scroll ends, the sceen goes blank. I think it gets to the 
> login graphical screen, but I can't see anything. What should I do?

Most likely, your XF86Config file specifies a frequency configuration
for your monitor which is Ok for the 17" monitor, but out of range of
the 15" one. Get the manual of the 15" monitor, check the frequency
range and fix your XF86Config. X should discard modes which don't fall
within the frequency ranges you tell it your monitor can handle.

Javier Gostling
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Virtualia S.A.
Fono: +56 (2) 202-6264 x 130
Fax: +56 (2) 342-8763

Av. Kennedy 5757, of 1502
Las Condes

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