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Michael Schwendt wrote:
| On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:28:40 -0600, Chad Skinner wrote:
|>>Don't they teach in the RHCE class that a reinstall is "not
|>>allowed" (or not an answer to an exam question)? :-)
|>I don't know about the RHCE, but I personnaly don't know the MD5sums
|>or filesizes for every binary on my system. Seems common knowledge, or
|>at least a common answer on the list, that rebuilding a compromized
|>box is the safest method to ensure that all replaced binaries are
| In my point of view, re-installation is only recommended to those
| users who give the impression that they would fail to repair their
| system completely. For instance, because they had no errata releases
| installed at all, or because they were accessing their box via
| remote telnet, or because they were always using the "root" user, or
| because they were still running the compromised machine when posting
| to this list.

Very good and valid points. I suppose I was coming from the POV that
"reinstall" shouldn't be a global answer from an experienced admin *to*
another experience admin. However for the newbie "root loving,
errata/up2date igorant, telnet using, chmod -R 777 /" type admin, it's
probably a good answer. Especially if they're using a stock Red Hat
6.2/7.0 install. <shudder>

We *cannot* stress enough, however, that once the install is completed,
you apply *all* errata ASAP before bringing your system online for
production. I save myself the step by keeping my errata in my install
tree. The moment it's released, it's copied to my install tree, (as well
as rebuilt for i686) and I rerun genhdlist for the directory. That way
the next nfs/http/ftp install I do is all up to snuff. YMMV tho.

- -Rick
- --
Rick Johnson, RHCE - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from home)
Linux/WAN Administrator - Medata, Inc.
PGP Key: https://mail.medata.com/pgp/rjohnson.asc
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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