On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 15:14, Andre Pang wrote:
> Some people need to run Windows to run various applications.
> It has many apps available which Linux does not; accept it.  If


In this case if you are doing sales then you MUST have MS software.

There are enough hassles in applying for a job without using MS software.  I 
simply refuse to send my CV in any format other than HTML.  Any recruiting 
agent who can't work out how to make MS-Word import HTML or to make IE load 
it isn't qualified to read my CV or to represent me.  I've had a few 
arguements about this issue with recruiting agents.

> > > I suggest that it's best of Hans uses the default options for every
> > > other program he uses so that he can concentrate his energies on
> > > ReiserFS (but I'm sure he's already doing that).
> Then why are you suggesting that Hans uses Explore2fs and
> reiser4win on WinNT?  They're certainly not defaults.

You misread the quoting.  That's something I wrote.

> > > Support for writing to NTFS has been working for several years.  I was
> > > doing it in 1999.  There are issues about it, and the code is still
> > > marked experimental, but it works.
> [Russell: where "it works" meaning "usually works but may bugger
>  up your filesystem badly ;)]

Yes, they always had warnings about that.  So I just made some good backups 
and gave it a go.  I never lost any data (and what I was doing was simple 
enough that there was no chance of losing data and not realising it).  But I 
admit that I didn't overly stress it.  Anyway in that case I wouldn't have 
minded saying "oops I trashed that NT machine and lost the CD - I'll have to 
make it Linux-only".  ;)

Warnings don't generally bother me too much.  I try things out on a test 
machine first anyway.  If something labeled as "experimental and dangerous" 
passes my tests and works then I'll use it before something labeled as 
"stable and released" that I haven't tested.

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http://www.coker.com.au/postal/       Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
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