On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 12:42, _nasturtium wrote:
> > All of the blathering and silliness removed.  Short version: Russell
> > made a few comments to explain some stuff on the assumption that
> > Nasturtium was actually asking honest questions.  Nasturtium made a
> > number of ad hominem attacks.  Blah blah blah.
> You have not actually addressed my reply, merely "blather" on. My main
> point was that someone on the MandrakeSoft QA team notes that you cannot
> write to NTFS5 partitions and that was what I posted. If someone, even one
> who has been on list for years, wants to doubt it I will reply with
> "proof".

That is wrong.

>From your original message on the topic of NTFS:
> DON'T swap to NTFS because Linux support is read-only.

No reference is made to any particular version of NTFS or of Windows.  No 
other qualifiying statement is made, you clearly and directly stated that 
NTFS was not writable on Linux.

Stop trying to claim you were only referring to Windows XP, you said nothing 
of the kind in your original message.

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