Nikita Danilov writes:


 >  > 
 >  > Yes. :-)  It is radical, and the idea is taken from databases.  I
 >  > thought that seemed to be the direction Reiser filesystems were moving.
 >  > In this scheme a name is just another bit of metadata and not
 >  > first-class important information.  The name-query directories would be
 >  > there for traditional filesystem users and Unix compatibility.  They
 >  > would probably be virtual and dynamic, only being created when needed
 >  > and only being persistent if assigned meta-data (extra names (links),
 >  > non-default permission bits, etc) or for performance reasons (faster to
 >  > load from cache than searching every file).
 > That latter bit, about making them persistent, is where the tr

[Hmm... grue ate my message.]

That latter bit, about making them persistent, is where the trouble
begins: once queries acquire identity and a place in the file system
name-space, they logically become part of that very name-space they are
querying! This leads to various complication, and you are trying to work
around them by claiming that queries are not _always_ part of name-space
("file1 [only] **appears** to be a child..."). This non-uniform behavior
is a big disadvantage.


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