Peter wrote:
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 17:27:20 -0500, David Masover wrote:
both mkfs.reiserfs and fsck.reiserfs have -B option to accept list of
bad blocks. We thought that should be enough.
It really should.  Why bother with a patch?  Just write a wrapper script
that runs badblocks and passes in the list to mkfs.

It was just a thought from userland. My perspective was that a user, not a
hard-boiled geek, might get lulled into a false sense of security but may
not have the wherewithal to write a wrapper. If nothing else, when the
final doc is written (did I say final?:)), it should include a notice
about not running badblocks.

Well, let's see... Most hard drives come more thoroughly tested at the factory than anything badblocks would do. Also, it seems redundant to have every single mkfs have to implement a badblocks flag..

I'd suggest a universal wrapper, then, or a modification to the "mkfs" frontend, so that this works the same way across all filesystems. Something like "mkfs -B -t reiser4"

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