Tracy R Reed wrote:
Sander Sweers wrote:
I would instead hope Nina is found and both can be reunited with their
kids. The question if reiser4 will continue is IMHO a bit insensitive
when compared to the situation they are in.

I understand your temptation to take this position and engage in a competition of "who can be the most sensitive" and accuse anyone who actually talks about software of insensitivity but most of us have businesses to run and we depend on reiserfs. We can't do anything about Hans or Nina.

Not a competition and I only wanted to bring up the human aspect of the situation. And it was also not meant as an accusations. I understand this may have sounded like it was but it was not. So sorry Christopher if I made you feel I was accusing you.

Please continue the technical discussion but as David said: "I want to hear from Hans. We can leave the gossiping to Slashdot; I'd rather not talk behind his back, or try to guess what he wants."

We can do something about his legacy which is the software and I think that is exactly what we should be doing in a time like this. I don't want to see all of his hard and brilliant work go for nothing. Without money I doubt we can count on the guys from Russia for anything.

Sorry but did he die or get convicted? No but people are a 1000 steps ahead of the current situation.So before speaking about his legacy and/or how to continue, let things take it's course and see where it leads.

Is there anyone else intimately familiar with the codebase who could take reiser4 the rest of the way to the finish line? Let's not let this turn into an example to be used by the proprietary software people pointing to the dangers of FOSS which is surely what will happen if reiserfs is somehow left to stagnate.

It would actually be a good example in favor of FOSS. Proprietary software usually disappear with the company, FOSS does not. But this is totally off-topic.

I hope this is all a misunderstanding and she turns up and Hans continues to develop reiserfs for many years to come. But it would be irresponsible not to initiate a contingency plan. We can be sure that places that rely on reiserfs such as SuSe are already doing so. We are software people, not lawyers, so let's have a conversation about the software.

We are human being first (and not claiming other people are not !) and *my* first thought is with Hans, Nina and especially with their kids. As they will get the biggest hit from the whole situation regardless of what happens next. I feel it is inappropriate to talk about these things while nothing is certain yet.IF and only IF it turns out badly in the end a discussion can be started about what will happen with reiser4. Until then this subject should not be discussed IMHO.

I tried to be very mild and objective in my response and if it was not, my apologies.


PS: I will not debate this any further. I have made clear how I feel about this and what my opinion is.

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