I will try to reach his mother and ask what can be done there.
At this moment there is

$25 Gets You
an Answer

at our webpage, but i'm not sure at this moment if its a good idea to use this
since Hans most likely cant manage this account, being under arrest.

Thanks guys.

On 10/12/06, Giovanni A. Orlando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Christopher Sawtell escribió:
> On Wednesday 11 October 2006 22:31, Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:
>> Again, locate Hans and offer comfort and a path to leave this situation.
> It would seem that the establishment of a legal defence fund is going to be
> needed, irrespective of Hans' guilt or innocence.
I agree!

I propose to setup a PayPal account handled by someone close to Hans
Reiser in Bay Area, like a friend,
or directly by him attorney.

> --
> Christopher Sawtell.


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