On Thursday 26 November 2009 9:30:35 am Tom Albers wrote:
> Hi,
> You don't have to have crystal ball to know we can not tag today. 
> We have postponed tagging until monday and the release on thursday. This is 
> only for KDE SC 4.4-beta1. The KDE SC 4.3.4 release schedule is not affected.
> What does this mean: 
> - The feature freeze has *not* moved to monday. No new features are allowed, 
> we are in hard feature freeze.
> - Please try to fix the nepomuk build system issue and other issues before 
> sunday midnight so no more delays will happen. 
> - Try to get everything reviewed by someone else before you commit, to be 
> sure nothing breaks.

There is at least 1 showstopper Qt bug in the git kde-qt that prohibits me
from being able to run KOrganizer at all for the past several weeks.

Until this and any other showstopper Qt bugs are fixed I don't think
we should start the beta phase of the 4.4 release.
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