Op Sunday 29 November 2009 17:32 schreef u:
> On Thursday 26 November 2009 9:30:35 am Tom Albers wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > You don't have to have crystal ball to know we can not tag today. 
> > 
> > We have postponed tagging until monday and the release on thursday. This is
> only for KDE SC 4.4-beta1. The KDE SC 4.3.4 release schedule is not affected.
> > 
> > What does this mean: 
> > - The feature freeze has *not* moved to monday. No new features are allowed,
> we are in hard feature freeze.
> > - Please try to fix the nepomuk build system issue and other issues before
> sunday midnight so no more delays will happen. 
> > - Try to get everything reviewed by someone else before you commit, to be
> sure nothing breaks.
> > 
> There is at least 1 showstopper Qt bug in the git kde-qt that prohibits me
> from being able to run KOrganizer at all for the past several weeks.
> QTBUG-5588
> Until this and any other showstopper Qt bugs are fixed I don't think
> we should start the beta phase of the 4.4 release.

Reading that bug, it might happen that the bug is only fixed in 4.6.1.
That means delaying the beta phase until Qt 4.6.0 or even 4.6.1 is out?
Can we find a work around? Like requiring a patched Qt to be present?

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