On Sunday 29 November 2009 13:27:39 Eike Hein wrote:
> On 11/29/2009 06:14 PM, Tom Albers wrote:
> > Reading that bug, it might happen that the bug is only fixed in 4.6.1.
> > That means delaying the beta phase until Qt 4.6.0 or even 4.6.1 is out?
> > Can we find a work around? Like requiring a patched Qt to be present?
> I'm hesitant to ask because of the bikeshed potential, but
> why delay our beta over an upstream bug at all? There have
> been other Qt bugs in the past (and Qt 4.6rc1 is particu-
> larly buggy, also causing problems with release versions
> of Konversation and Amarok, such as high CPU usage and se-
> verely misbehaving dock windows), not to mention bugs in
> drivers or even the kernel.
> It's not like it's our fault, nor are users supposed to
> rely on the beta for production use. And the problem will
> have to be resolved by patching Qt anyway; it doesn't
> affect our code drop. Let's keep in mind, too, that this
> is a beta, not a final release. And shipping regardless
> of a Qt bug doesn't factually mean that we fail to meet
> our quality target, so it's not playing fast and loose
> imho.
I might agree, except that I literally have not been able to
run KOrganizer trunk at all for the past couple of *weeks*.

I have no idea what the quality of KOrganizer trunk is.

I will have no way of fixing any bugs at all in KOrganizer 4.4
until this is dealt with.  Basically, we'd be throwing KOrganizer
out there and just hoping for the best.  I can't do that as maintainer
of this application, nor as the kdepim module coordinator.

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