Here is another hypo (one that actually may occur in
some state law school classrooms soon).

Would it violate the EC for a law professor teaching a
Religion and the Constitution class at a state law
school to do any of the following:

1. After viewing the forthcoming Mel Gibson film, The
Passion of the Christ, to walk into class and announce
that it is a great film that he or she heartily

2. After viewing the same film, to walk into class and
announce that it is an awful film that is likely to
forment anti-Semitism by placing the blame for the
crucifixion on Jews?

3. In either case, could the professor announce that
he is willing to view the film with any students who
wish to go with him (such viewing to be followed by a
voluntary discussion at a local bistro)?

Rick Duncan

Rick Duncan 
Welpton Professor of Law 
University of Nebraska College of Law 
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

"When the Round Table is broken every man must follow Galahad or Mordred; middle 
things are gone." C.S.Lewis

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