This just in from ADF:
In a unanimous 5-0 decision, Sweden's Supreme Court today acquitted a pastor of a "hate crime" for presenting the biblical view of homosexual behavior in a sermon.

"Voicing one's conscience is a fundamental human right," said Alliance Defense Fund Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull.  "This is a huge victory for religious liberty everywhere.  In this contest between religious freedom and the radical homosexual agenda, religious freedom prevailed."

Ake Green & ADF Chief Counsel Ben Bull
The pastor, Ake Green, received a one-month jail sentence last year under a Swedish "hate crimes" law that forbids criticism of those who participate in homosexual behavior.  In February, the Goeta Appeals Court overturned the decision.  The government appealed the case to the Swedish Supreme Court, but today it ruled that Green did not break the law.
I feel a lot better about justice and religious liberty in Europe after this decision.
Rick Duncan

Rick Duncan
Welpton Professor of Law
University of Nebraska College of Law
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
"Merry Christmas--It's ok to say it." --Alliance Defense Fund Slogan

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