I agree completely.  I actually wrote a piece about the problems of hate crime legislation a few years ago myself (http://www.geocities.com/onemanwatching/archive/se292000.html).  William Raspberry (a columnist I rarely find myself agreeing with) also wrote a column about it as well (http://www.crimelynx.com/hatecr.html).  Hate crime laws are a classic example of good intentions leading to very bad ideas.


P.S. The link to Raspberry's column in my e-zine is apparently broken.  The above link will work.

Larry Darby wrote:
That’s wonderful news about Pastor Ake.  I’ve been following these abominations called hate crime laws for quite some time. They’re a threat to our Republic and the American way of life.

If the USA and the States don’t begin to repeal so-called hate crime laws we’ll follow the benighted lead of Germany, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Canada and a few more countries where one can be imprisoned for offending the ruling class.

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