I'm making the same argument, Perry -- that these facts point to the universe not having been designed by an intelligence.  An intelligence would not have designed it this way.  I select facts and make an inference.  The IDers do the same exact thing.  Neither is anything more than a belief that rings true to the observer.  I cannot persuade in irrefutable form that there is no god.  I cannot be persuaded that there is.  The best that can be done either way is to say that the particular data persuades me or it doesn't.  

If I don't believe in god, then it is a bit hard to buy the ID inferences.  If I do believe in god, then the ID inferences may be persuasive -- as a matter of belief, not science.

On Dec 21, 2005, at 2:27 PM, Perry Dane wrote:

        To be fair to the intelligent design folks, their argument is not that the design of the universe IS intelligent, in the sense of optimal, or efficient, or morally good, or aesthetically pleasing, but rather that certain facts of the universe point to it having been designed BY AN intelligence.

        This does not, of course, answer Robert's theological argument, but it does suggest that the usual anti-intelligent-design jokes about the proximity of the prostate gland to the urethra are really beside the point.



Prof. Steven D. Jamar                                     vox:  202-806-8017

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"I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills." 


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