Ed Darrell writes:

No, urethra design is not beside the point at all. Is there an intelligent design explanation for that design? There is an evolutionary explanation (though not wholly satisfactory to many). How could such a thing have happened, according to "intelligent design theory?"

The absence of any possible answer to that question points to the lack of science behind ID. That is the whole issue.

I agree that ID is not a scientific theory. I also believe that the Dover decision was correct.

That said, though, one needs to be fair here. The claim of intelligent design theory is not that NO features of the biological world can be explained by evolution through natural selection. Nor is it, as I said before, that the biological world is, according to one or another criterion, well-designed. It is, rather, that there are certain features of the biological world (irreducible complexity and all that) that point to at least those features having been designed by an intelligence.

It is therefore consistent with at least the bare bones of ID theory that the designer was evil, or a practical joker, or a child-god who designed us as part of the heavenly equivalent of a kindergarten art project.


Perry Dane
Professor of Law

Rutgers University
School of Law  -- Camden
217 North Fifth Street
Camden, NJ 08102


Work:   (856) 225-6004
Fax:       (856) 969-7924
Home:   (610) 896-5702

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