Nathan is correct in that I would think judicial enforcement of contracts 
requiring religious arbitrators has plenty of opportunities to threaten the 
liberal state. 
First, I assume as a matter of contract law that any obligations arising out of 
such agreements that involve otherwise illegal conduct are void.  So genital 
mutilation, trading of girls as wives (or simply for procreation), aiding 
polygamy, covering up child abuse when it is required to be reported, and the 
settling of debts through indentured servitude are out of the picture.   
Second, does commercial arbitration ever involve real property?  If so, we are 
right back in Shelley v Kraemer territory, no?   One of the reasons in my view 
justifying the Shelley result is that such contracts shut out minorities for 
generations to come.  The time lag of the deal is troubling
Third, I see little difference between this and Bob Jones or Shelley, so I 
think the racial category is likely to cause courts great trouble
Finally, why isn't a liberal society better served by enforcement of such 
agreements within their own universes, which would leave the civil courts out?  
Religious cultures have plenty of ways to penalize their members including 
excommunication or shunning.  Why are civil courts needed exceopt to shore up 
the power of the religion?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Oman <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 16:55:34 
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics<>
Reply-To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <>
Subject: Re: May American court appoint only Muslim arbitrators, pursuant to
        an arbitration agreement?

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