In most of the country, none of your fevered speculation would matter
because conservatives, including several "academics" on this list, have
opposed extending non-discrimination laws to include sexuality, much less
gender identity (or if they would so cobble such protections with large
carve outs that such protection is symbolic at best).  So, worry not - you
are most likely free to demand that a "suspected gay" who is "frightening
your customers" - is he singing Abba songs too loudly? - leave tout suite.
Now, most americans according to public opinion polls think that laws
ALREADY prohibit such blatant discrimination but apparently the vulnerable
victims of discrimination are not gays & lesbians but fine, upstanding
christians who are cowered from expressing the very discrimination that
isn't even prohibited by law in most of the country.
Why the members of the list aren't outraged by that fact but rather focus
their efforts in finding more ways to protect discrimination...well, I
think I know the answer but expressing that opinion is tantamount to
"hating religion" and "attacking religious freedom" according to many....La
plus ca change....

---jimmy green

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Will Linden <> wrote:

>  So let me turn Mr. Sogol's "turn-around" around.... A storekeeper tells
> someone "You are frightening the other customers, leave the premises."
> The party retorts "That's what you SAY, but I KNOW it's really becausee
> I'm gay"-- although sexuality had not previously come up. Does he have to
> prove the storekeeper knew? Or does the storekeeper have to prove the
> negative that he did NOT know?
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