I agree with Marty's overall assessment of the SG's argument. My only
quibble is that I think the intended audience may have been Justice
Kennedy, the public, AND Chief Justice Roberts, and a better answer to the
Bob Jones question would have been helpful with respect to the Chief (who
was one of the three justices to ask a religious-liberty question during
the argument). In sum, I thought the SG's argument was near-perfect with
respect to his intended audience, with the Bob Jones answer depriving it of
perfection. - Jim

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Marty Lederman <lederman.ma...@gmail.com>

> Also, the SG's answer was virtually risk-free.  He had only two audiences
> -- Justice Kennedy and the public.  And his argument was, IMHO, pitch
> perfect as to both of those audiences, elegant and powerful; one of the
> best I've ever heard.  Justices Scalia and Alito might be worried about the
> Bob Jones analog 20 years from now; but their votes were preordained.
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Marty Lederman <lederman.ma...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> I should have added that I agree wholeheartedly with Chip that the odds
>> of the IRS doing such a thing in the next decade or two are remote -- my
>> point is simply that the SG is situated very differently from us.
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Marty Lederman <
>> lederman.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Chip, I'm not sure the SG could have said much differently, except that
>>> he probably should have said that that's a question that would ultimately
>>> be up to Congress.  Remember, the U.S. was asking for heightened scrutiny
>>> for all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.  Could the SG
>>> really have said that even if the Court were to apply heightened scrutiny,
>>> the IRS would not act against a college that, e.g., precluded same-sex
>>> "dating," regardless of what societal mores are say, 10-15 years from now?
>>> If the issue didn't arise in the SG's prep, then he couldn't make such a
>>> promise at oral argument.  And if the issue did arise, and the SG consulted
>>> with IRS, I'd be shocked if the IRS was willing to lock itself in with
>>> respect to what it might do 15-20 years from now, in cases with facts that
>>> are hard to foresee.
>>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Ira Lupu <icl...@law.gwu.edu> wrote:
>>>> Verrilli gave a terrible answer. The IRS ruled in Bob Jones (and in the
>>>> companion case, Goldsboro Christian Schools) that these schools no longer
>>>> qualified as charitable organizations under IRC sec. 501(c)(3).  The IRS
>>>> was moved in large part by a concern that all-white Christian academies
>>>> would undermine the racial integration of public schools.  Denying tax
>>>> exempt status meant that contributions to these schools, which racially
>>>> discriminated against students, would no longer be deductible. The schools
>>>> would also face other expensive tax consequences.
>>>> The IRS has never extended its reasoning in the Bob Jones case to any
>>>> religious organization that discriminates based on sex, sexual orientation,
>>>> etc.  There is no reason to believe that it would act against faiths that
>>>> reject same sex marriage,  any more than it would act against a faith that
>>>> rejected divorce, inter-faith marriage, etc.  This is just more
>>>> fear-mongering.
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