Hello all - I am trying to help a friend of mine get a Mastr II mobile fired up on 2 meters.
We are having trouble getting any thing out of the transmitter. Receiver seems to be working OK although I'm sure it needs tweaking a bit. We cut off the control head and built a small circuit similar to the NHRC Vol Sq pot assy. and that is all working fine. I was told that you would get 10 volts to a pin on the transmit icon when you went to the transmit mode. We have one pin  ( I will call maybe pin 6 for the icon that has 10 volts full time - the one next to it ( Pin 5 ) has about 5 volts full time. I see nothing else changing on any pins whether in transmit or receive. What on earth are we missing here. This is a first for either one of us. The receive does drop when we tell it to transmit so I feel confident we are keying it correctly. I know the TX is out of tune but how or where to begin when it seems there is no output anywhere at any level. Also have a second transmitter and same problem so I feel there is something we are obviously missing. Dave / N0ATH

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