At 2/3/2007 06:06, you wrote:
>>On 2/2/07, Kevin Custer <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>But I doubt I'll ever have time to test that possibility.  However, it 
>>might explain why a lot of people have fairly good luck just stuffing 
>>crystals in ICOM's.  There's probably a fairly small range of caps used 
>>to bring "the usual" crystals into spec...  and a good chance that your 
>>new crystal behaves similarly enough to the original that it will work 
>>some large percentage of the time.
>I wouldn't say "a lot of people have good luck".  Have you seen the amount 
>of posts on Repeater-Builder and the other radio branded lists on the 
>subject over the years?

FWIW, I've had both good luck & bad with recrystalling Mastr II 
ICOMs.  I'll also say that they appear to have more than one temperature 
compensating capacitor in them.  The reason I say that is that after 
installing a PTC thermistor on the crystal to thermally stabilize it, I 
would still see thermal drift in the oscillator, & replacing just one or 
two of those little blue capacitors didn't fix it - I had to remove all of 
them.  I think there were 4 of them total in the one ICOM I moded but not 
sure.  I did decide not to try that mod on a Mastr II again though.  The 
MVPs are much easier as they only use 1 temp. comp. cap & for some reason 
most of the MVP crystal modules I have don't have any at all.

I agree that from the end users (the repeater builder) standpoint, sending 
elements in for temperature compensation is the easiest way to go.  The 
problem I see is with all the talk about declining quality amongst the 
different crystal vendors today, I really wonder if there's anyone out 
there that can truly be considered unconditionally reliable.  I mean, is 
there any ONE crystal supplier that EVERYONE considers a "rock" of 
stability? (pun intended!)  I suppose that's partly why I've resorted to 
developing my own alternative methods of frequency stabilization; file 
under "if you want something done right, do it yourself".

Bob NO6B

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