At 11:24 AM 04/30/07, you wrote:
>Who is making the best repeater these days?  Motorola or MA/Com formaly GE?

That's a flamewar baiting question !!!!!  on the same level with 
politics, religion and sex...

You'll find proponents of every brand out there... from Aerotron to the
little M (Midland) to Yaesu.

And then you will have the totally unexpected answer fly past you...
Locally, we have one guy who feels that if it doesn't glow in the 
dark it's not
a real repeater.  He's still running GE Progress line on 220 and 440... and
it's funny, he goes to the radio site for maintenance trips maybe 1/4 as
often as the guys that run Mastr IIs or Micors.  And the repeaters don't key
up from grunge and intermod as often.  When asked, he comments that
maybe its because the 3rd order intercept point of a RF stage that has
150v on the plate is higher than one that has 10v on the collector.... and
he loves to "pull the chain" of the newbies that have never seen a tube
other than the face of a CRT with answers like "you need to adjust the
grid bias, then dip the plate" when asked questions about why his
systems work so well.


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