Mike, yours is a very good comment, Moto / MA/COM.  Probably the best
approach would be to compare specifications, and take a good look at each
product for serviceablilty.  Don't forget EF Johnson - I have 10 or 15 of
their VX series, and 5 or 6 M3, and a handful of Kenwood TKR820's and such
that I use in my own LTR trunking systems.

By large and far, modern equipment has been very trouble free.  In my real
life I maintain 78 MA/COM M3, 800 Mhz Edacs repeaters, 4 Sites, 19 channels
per site, simulcast, with a couple of NPSPAC channels for interoperability.

I do know how the Maytag man feels.

Best luck on your selection of repeater.  More important....location,
enviroment, antenna, transmission line, grounding, shelter, accessability,
and such.

Steve NU5D

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