--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Eric Lemmon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> That last comment about the spectrum analyzer is an excellent 
> Trying to solve such interference problems with cavities or 
isolators may
> involve far more effort and expense than necessary.  Here's a case 
in point:
> I was getting some severe interference to my reception of an 
> repeater on 147.210 MHz, but not on other Ham repeaters.  My base 
radio at
> the time was a Kenwood TK-760K2, which is a low-tier commercial 
> The interference was sometimes voice, and sometimes data.  I could 
> eliminate the interference by putting a DCI bandpass filter in the 
> but then I couldn't receive or transmit on the commercial 
frequencies used
> by other VHF repeaters I control.
> So, I pulled out my trusty Hameg digital spectrum analyzer, and 
set it to
> sweep the 140-160 MHz band.  As 

Hi Eric

I see you have a Hameg, I thought about getting one, what model do 
you have , and would you do it again? Will they tune duplexers?


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