Eric Lemmon wrote:
> Dave,
> I'd like to see that article, too.  Connecting two TNCs to one radio is
> easy, but allocating the RX and TX functions between two devices is hardly a
> trivial matter.  Unless a buffer is used to store outbound data while the
> radio is busy receiving data on the other TNC, collisions will occur
> regularly.  This should be interesting!  Is this a good idea?
> 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

If using real TNC's and not using "software" DCD...

One could make up a diode matrix to tie PTT from one TNC to the other's 
DCD/COS line as well as the radio, forcing it not to transmit when the 
other one is.

Just a thought.

I don't like the idea really, but yeah, you could hack it together.

Nate WY0X

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