On Aug 2, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Ron Wright wrote:

> Nate,
> Would just disabling one PTT while the other is txing mean the  
> disabled would think it was transmitting, but not really.

That's not what I recommended.  I recommended tying one's PTT signal  
to the other's RECEIVE signal so it would hold off and not transmit.   
(TNC's won't transmit over an incoming received signal.)

As someone else and myself both pointed out, you have to rely on  
having a real COS signal from the radio and have your TNC's set up to  
use that, and not use a "software" DCD (data carrier detect) that  
looks for real tones, you have to do it the "old fashioned" way with  
a hardware COS line from the rig.

> Unless there is some sort of feedback to tell a TNC to wait then  
> its data would be lost.  I guess some TNCs have this wait line  
> INPUT allowing one ptt to talk to the other TNC commanding a wait.

No, TNC's "buffer" data all the time.  If the channel is busy when  
the computer connected to them sends data to them, they buffer and  
wait.  Then when the channel's clear, they transmit that data.  So  
it's not really a separate "WAIT" line, you're just tricking TNC #2  
to think that the channel is busy when TNC #1 is really transmitting,  
and vice-versa.

This is kinda off-topic for RB, so I'll stop now -- but suffice it to  
say, hooking two TNC's to the same rig would be pretty simple... as  
long as you're not relying on the TNC to determine if the channel is  
busy, and you're using the "old-fashioned" system that simply watched  
the squelch circuit of the receiver... if the squelch was open, the  
TNC knew it shouldn't transmit.

(Once upon a time, there were endless debates about the benefits of  
doing busy-channel detection by either method, and which one was  
"better" over the last couple of decades... real "squelch" circuits  
will also give way to voice traffic on the same frequency... software  
DCD's won't... etc. etc. etc.)

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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