--- Eric Lemmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bernie,
> When you put the Bird between the TX and the
> duplexer, you have changed the
> length of the jumper cable, which upset the tuning. 
> But, really, you need
> not worry about what the SWR is, if the forward
> power to the antenna is
> appropriate.
> Let's say you have a 4-can duplexer, which might
> have about 1.5 dB insertion
> loss.  If your power amp delivers exactly 100 watts
> into a dummy load when
> connected directly at the TX output, you should
> expect about 70 watts going
> to the antenna when the duplexer is in the circuit. 
> A 6-can duplexer might
> have about 2.2 dB insertion loss, and you should see
> about 59 watts going to
> the antenna.
> 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

When the wattmeter is inserted it will not upset the
tuning of the duplexer enough to reflect that kind of

About all it could do is upset the tuning of the
transmitter so that it will not put out the same
ammount of forward power.  This should not have much
effect of the reflected power.

One thing that could be (but not likely) is the
transmitter is producing spurs and harmonices the
duplexer is not letting pass to the antenna and is
being reflected back.

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