Fortunately, all are still using FM, so capture effect will not allow
the repeater to see the TOC of the other weak user.

I have never - ever - heard a false mute of a signal from the TOC of
'other users'. Before that happens, the repeater will lose the CDCSS
code and will mute due to loss of code rahter than see a TOC. And even
when that happens, the signal will come right back when it can see the
valid CDCSS code.

Aside from the above, what is the difference of what you described vs a
repeater using CTCSS seeing the TOC as another CTCSS tone? It seems that
should happen too if it can happen at all.

Joe M.

Eric Lemmon wrote:
> Before we embrace CDCSS as a cure-all, let us not forget that ALL standard
> CDCSS codes use the same 134.4 Hz turn-off tone for muting.  That means that
> a mobile user keying distant repeater on the same frequency as yours, even
> if using a different CDCSS code, will mute your repeater at the same time.
> This is one of the "nasty little secrets" about CDCSS.

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