>> If you "push" that all repeaters in an area run the same tone, and
>> then some doofus comes along and his lashed up mess of a couple of
>> mobiles and a mobile duplexer hooked up with RG-8X and it starts
>> opening itself... he's just as likely to blame it on "that big club
>> repeater on the other leg of the tower" than on his own ineptitude.
> So?  If he's uncoordinated, he can blame whoever he wants.

Who said he would be uncoordinated?  :-)

>> If you're on a completely different CTCSS tone than Barney Fife
>> there, he has no case and he'll go hunting elsewhere, without any
>> bullets.
> I don't see why I should make my repeater harder to find simply to cater to 
> such lids.

I can only think of two VHF repeaters out of a completely full band out 
here that don't have tones on them and no one around here seems to have 
any difficulting "finding" them?  Not sure what you mean.

Might take someone 3 minutes to figure out the tone if they want to 
transmit through one of them, but scanning without tone still works fine 
to find them, AFAIK.

I have two rigs in the house that will auto-scan for tones... they're 
both Amateur rigs, not commercial or anything fancy...

One of our UHF repeaters has an on-channel link to it, so we set up the 
repeater in Tone-on-User-CTCSS mode, and while it was originally done 
for the link, I've come to enjoy the sound of it... you only hear when 
someone is talking.

You can push the squelch open button on your rig if you're questioning 
whether or not you're in a good coverage area... to listen to the 
transmitter tail (which is sent without tone).

Nate WY0X

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