At 9/4/2007 11:21, you wrote:
>That is true. I was only talking about cases where the equipment IS the
>problem - spurs, adjacent channel rejection, frequency stability, Etc.
>Here are the recommendations:
>Joe M.

Hmmm...  5 kHz deviation & 15 kHz spaced channels?  Must need a lot of 
geographic separation between adjacent channels.

The transmitter noise spec. is nice, but you forgot to specify the noise 
measurement bandwidth.  I doubt it's dBc/Hz (the usual spec.) with those 
numbers.  My own personal standard (for my equipment, not for coordination) 
is -80 dBc in a 16 kHz BW, which works out to -122 dBc/Hz.

You have a spec. for the pre-emphasis curve, but don't specify what happens 
above 3 kHz.  We've found that lack of post-limiter filtering can cause as 
much adjacent-channel interference as overdeviation.  I've got one of 
Kevin's AP-50s lying around for the next one of those we run into.

W.r.t. RX specs, are you saying your spec. for -85 dB total BW is 60 kHz?

BTW, our specs are at

Bob NO6B

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