> Second - Dear Coordinator - Old Joe has an unused repeater pair on the
> North side of town.  We respectfully request you re-consider
> coordination because we the undersigned (hand full of folks) have
> monitored this frequency for the last XX days and find little or no
> activity - well beyond the alloted 90 days allowed for repair /
> replacement, and respectfully request Old Joe's coordination be waived
> to the extent we may construct and operate a digital repeater using part
> of the spectrum alloted to Joe while at the same time offering to share
> this spectrum with Joe.  (Sharing a frequency is not interference).

Technical question: Does a DSTAR radio automatically switch between
analog and digital?  i.e. can the DSTAR user hear the analog activity
when his radio is in DStar mode so he can "share" the frequency?

Sharing between digital and analog was tried back in the packet
days... to say the least it didn't work.

73's Skip WB6YMH

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