JUst like CW.  I still use it and love it!  I still use analog.  When 
everyone goes digital, I will still use CW and analog!

Corey  N3FE

On Thu, 20 Sep 2007, n9wys wrote:

> Gentle people,
> I've been sitting quietly on the sidelines, watching this thread progress.
> And I think that maybe it's time for me to jump in with my own opinions on
> digital vs. analog.  (Whether it be P-25 or D-Star)
> Although I'm usually very open to newer technology, this digital (or better
> said, "digitized") voice thing has me very concerned.  As a public safety
> worker, I shudder to think that maybe some day I might need assistance and
> call for back-up, only to have my meaning misunderstood because a few
> syllables were dropped because of the CODEC.  For example: how many people
> have told someone else on their cell phone that "you sounded like you just
> went under water?"  (Especially with Nextel?????)  Or suddenly had your call
> discontinued - with no prior warning/indication?
> As ham radio operators, one of our missions is to pass critical traffic...
> we cannot fulfill that mission if the traffic cannot be properly received in
> the first place, whether it is because we cannot ourselves discern the
> message or it is obscured because of "artificial" means.  My question is:
> why make it more difficult on ourselves to accomplish this mission by adding
> another layer of fallibility into the picture?
> Now in regard to the testing/repairing these D-Star systems...  I didn't
> become a ham until later in life, although I've always had an interest in
> radio.  But since I have, I continue to strive to be more than just an
> "appliance operator"...  I need to be able to understand how it works, and
> if within my means, troubleshoot and/or repair it.  Based on the earlier
> statement that the only way to test/repair these stations is to "box and
> ship" it back to the manufacturer, I feel we as Amateurs are taking a huge
> step backward, both for ourselves and for our hobby.
> I also feel we are doing the Amateur Radio Service itself a huge disservice,
> since one of the basic tenets of the Service itself is to "Expan(d) the
> existing reservoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators,
> technicians, and electronics experts."  [Part 97.1(d)]
> OK, flame-proof suit on...  You may fire when ready, Gridley!
> 73 de Mark - N9WYS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of Steve S. Bosshard (NU5D)
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:53 PM
> To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Making room - testing DSTAR
> I take care of a pretty large EDACS system.  There is a simulator built
> into my COM120B just for EDACS and LTR - even decodes pocsag paging.
> This is never used in setting up the base station/repeaters.  The
> procedure uses simple deviation and receiver tests.  Same with
> subscriber units - most (but certainly not all) problems can be caught
> in conventional mode.
> On the repeater receiver a sniff point on the discriminator output
> allows basic receiver testing.  This does not simulate DSTAR but gets to
> a go/no go point.  Kind of like the first DPL - I had to buy an
> aftermarket board and wire it to my CE50 service monitor - would encode
> and if the light went out on receive - would decode as well.
> I doubt any manufacturer will make a test set for a low volume product
> because there are not enough folks wanting to pay for a DSTAR tester.
> Next problem - if the thing is broke - I am not gonna go probing around
> surface mount chips with my simpson and weller - better to box and ship.
> Anyhow that another 2 cents - might make payroll if this keeps up...
> 73, Steve NU5D
> Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
>> And one more point - and it's a major one....
>> You can get P25 test equipment.
>> Show me one piece of test equipment - an IFR, an HP, a General Dynamics
>> (the folks that made some of Motorolas R-series of service monitors)
>> or any
>> other test equipment manufacturer that makes a dstar tester. Not even
>> the manufacturer has one.
>> So haw do you verify that a dstar system is actually working right?
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