Al Wolfe wrote:
> Eric,
>    Thanks for your quick response. It's true that most of the ham grade 
> portables have far too much tone deviation as delivered. The issue here is 
> only with VX6's so far. Of the VX6's actually measured one was only 200 Hz 
> deviation and all seemed low, that is, none were up to 500 Hz. Have not 
> measured tone accuracy or distortion.

Do those radios have a narrowband FM mode like the Kenwood F6? I bet 
they are running NB.

>     I doubt if these radios have been modified as the owners aren't 
> particularly technically inclined. One is blind.
>     So the questions remain: Is the Quantar PL sensitivity adjustable? Is it 
> a good thing to make it more sensitive? 

No-it's part and parcel in the microprocessor.

> How do I convince some users that 
> there may be a problem with their radio?
>     "My radio worked before you guys messed with the repeater. Now it 
> doesn't. So fix the repeater." is the attitude. I would hate to compromise 
> an otherwise great repeater.
> Al, K9SI

Don't touch the repeater. Tell them that it is correct and their radios 
are bad. If it worked on the old repeater, it means the old repeater 
wasn't right either, which leads back to why it was replaced. It was 
broke, and beyond economical repair.
Yaesu has not been known for it's quality over the years. I've had 
several Yaesu's, and the only one that works well is the FT-101ZD HF 
rig. Oh, I had an FT-209RH that worked pretty well. All of the other 
VHF/UHF rigs have been flaky.

Jim Barbour

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