Code is one thing.  At the end of the code it states "Or as local 
authority dictates"  Which translates to what ever the local inspector 
(aka, self proclaimed god) believes to be the correct interpretation of 
the code.

A few years ago at the Ford World Head Quarters building in Dearborn 
Michigan, "The Glass House", an older building, there were multiple hard 
lines going through the elevator equipment room for years.  No equipment 
in the room, just passing through.  The inspector came in and said "move 
them out".   For one reason or another that got delayed.  He came back, 
said "Remove them immediately or I will be back with an ax."  They got 
moved immediately........

So moral of the story, you run the risk of liability.  So just don't do 
it.  I know we all want the shortest run but those are the rules.  Run 
it outside the room to another area or you may pay.   Heck, it might be 
you in the elevator leaving when you test the repeater on the way down, 
one last time and you drop like lead 39 floors to go SPLAT.  Now that 
would be ironic...

73 Shanon

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